Summer Music Lessons

Summer music lessons are a great way to keep kids active and learning while they are on break from school. It’s an excellent time to learn a new skill without the pressure of the school year or to focus on specific musical interests if they are already taking lessons. There are big advantages to taking lessons during the summer and it might be more convenient than you realize.
The most important aspect of music, more than talent and long practice hours, is consistency. It’s something that I have heard from my teachers throughout my career, and I still tell my students to this day. When discussing weekly practice time, I encourage my students to practice for short periods of time every day rather than a couple hours once or twice a week. In the same way, staying consistent for the whole year with summer music lessons will encourage substantial growth rather than a large step back during the summer.
Musical Investment
Think of music lessons as an investment that needs attention to grow. Don’t undo everything you have learned and waste that time, energy, and money by taking the summer off. I’ve seen it time and time again, a student takes a break during the summer months and comes back in the fall needing to review material that we covered in our very first lessons. If anything, summer is an opportunity to double down on your musical education by taking an extra lesson, it will pay off in the long term.
Zoom Lessons
We understand that the summer is busy with traveling, and it can be difficult to find that time to stop by the music studio for a lesson. Fortunately, there are excellent alternatives for families that are constantly on the go. Studios will often offer lessons over zoom that offer the same experience as in person lessons with far more flexibility. If you have a cell phone these lessons can take place from anywhere in the world so you can stay consistent with your lessons.
by Austin Netherton – Guitarist and Composer
Enroll Online in Brighton and Ann Arbor
Enroll Online in Grosse Pointe, Canton, and Clinton Township
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